[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
ADOLPH PIENING From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Dealer in books, stationery, toys, wall paper, etc., Manitowoc, was born in Germany Dec. 23, 1834, and emigrated to America in August, 1856, and settled at Two Rivers, Manitowoc County, where he clerked nine years. In 1865 he went to Manitowoc and engaged in bookkeeping until Jan. 1, 1870, when he took the office of Clerk of Court. He was re-elected to the same office, which he held until Jan. 1, 1878. In the meantime he began his present business in the fall 1875.
REV. REINHOLD PIEPER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 531 Rev. Reinhold Pieper, A.B., pastor of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manitowoc, is a native of Germany; born March 2, 1850. At the age of fifteen he commenced the study of French and Latin, and studied German in Berlin. In the Spring of 1869 he came to Watertown, Wis.; there commenced his regular course of studies, and passed through all the classes in four years. Graduated in 1873, with the title of A.B. He then went to St. Louis and attended Concordia Theological Seminary, where he was examined for the ministry. He then received a call from Wrightstown, Wis., and was there ordained pastor in 1876. He continued in charge two years and four months. He then came to Manitowoc and has since been pastor of this church. He was married in 1876 to Miss Emily Koehr, of Sheboygan. They have one daughter, Lizzie.
A. F. PIERCE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.26-27. Many of the more progressive farmers of Manitowoc county are turning their attention toward specialization, experience having demonstrated that there is more money in this method than in general farming. A number of them are making successful experiments in the breeding of high grade stock, and the product of these rich Manitowoc county farms is eagerly sought in the big city markets. A. F. Pierce, of the town of Rapids, is one of the men who are using modern methods in their business operations. His father, Alonzo C. Pierce, was born in the state of New York in 1830, and came to this state with his father, Pliney Pierce, who was born in 1808, in New York. Pliney Pierce, who was a carpenter by trade, came to Manitowoc county in 1837, settling in the village of Rapids, where he erected the first tavern, this being the only house of its kind between Sheboygan and Green Bay for a number of years. He later moved up the river and built a woolen mill on one side of the river and a sawmill on the other, and was engaged in operating these until his death. As a youth Alonzo C. Pierce worked in his father’s mills, and in 1852 went west to seek his fortune in the gold fields of California, where he remained two years. On his return he was again employed by his father until he had accumulated enough money to invest in farming land. He was married to Lena Schaffland, a native of Germany who came to the United States with her parents, and they had five children. A. F. Pierce was born on his father’s farm, near the woolen mill, December 13, 1868, and received his education in the district schools of his town and the city institutions of Manitowoc. As a lad he worked on the home property, but in 1888 he went to Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, where he was employed as a cowboy for some time and also drove the stage in Yellowstone Park for three years. Returning to Manitowoc county in 1898, he took charge of the home farm in the town of Rapids, and here he has been successfully engaged ever since. He has carried on general farming, dairy work and fruit and vegetable raising, and specializes in the breeding of fine stock, his favorite animals being those of the Guernsey breed. At the head of his herd is the registered Guernsey bull Neva. In 1905 Mr. Pierce was married to Miss Minnie De Pons, a daughter of Henry De Pons, a native of Manitowoc county, where Mrs. Pierce was born. Mr. Pierce and his wife are members of the Episcopal church of Manitowoc. He has held the office of under sheriff, George Lambries being sheriff, and has always taken an active interest in matters that pertain to the welfare of his community.
PLINY PIERCE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Proprietor saw and carding mill, makes farming his principal business, Sec. 14, Manitowoc Rapids Township, owns 120 acres, has sixty acres improved. He does a good business in carding wool. He also contemplates putting in machinery for a flouring mill. He was born in Essex County, N. Y., March, 1808, and moved into St. Lawrence County in 1830, following milling there seven years. He moved to Manitowoc County in June, 1837, and located at Manitowoc Rapids, and kept hotel and Post-office about four years, after which he located at his present home. He was elected Register of Deeds in 1840, also held the office of County Clerk and Assessor at same time. He made the first assessment of the town in 1839. There were only two or three families in the town when he first settled there, consisting of Mr. O. C. Hubbard, J. W. Conroe, and his own family. He erected his saw mill in 1849. Carding mill 1866. He was married in Hague, Warren Co., N. Y., in 1829, to Miss Susanna Phillips, who was born in Springfield, Vermont, February, 1808. They have six children living - Alonzo C., married and living near his father; Pliny J., married and living in Manitowoc City; Dewit B.; Anson M., at home; Mary C., married to Mr. E. Bailey, and living at Kaukauna, and Hannah M. at home.
H.S. PIERPONT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 Railroad express agent, attorney and Court Commissioner, Two Rivers, was born, March 3, 1823, in Rochester, N. Y., and in March, 1856 came to Two Rivers and was engaged in the manufacture of lumber until 1859; in 1864, he returned to Rochester, and in 1866 went to Green Bay; in 1868 to Watertown, in 1869 to Chicago, and in 1870 returned to Two Rivers, and edited the Manitowoc County Chronicle from 1872 to 1875. In 1876 he was appointed agent for M. L. S. & W. R. R., which position he still holds. In 1861, he was elected County Judge, which position he resigned in 1864. He was, in 1861, nominated State Bank Comptroller, but was defeated by William Reasey, of Port Washington. In 1872, he received the appointment of County Clerk, and was on an investigating committee holding the position for one year.
Judge H.S. Pierpont taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
JUDGE PIERPONT From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 18, 1884: Judge Pierpont is growing to be a gay and festive youth. The time was when the Judge couldn't be hired to lay off his dignity to the extent of going to a ball but he has undergone a change of heart and graced a local ball lately with his presence. When "ladies choice" came he was asked by a belle to be her partner in the Newport. He couldn't tell the difference between the Newport and a circus performance but his gallantry would not allow him to decline the polite invitation. He hasn't recovered since. He hasn't the faintest idea what was done with him. He has engaged Kessman to explain the mystery of the gyrations, the curves and pedal sword exercise to which he was subjected.
CAPT. OLIVER PILON From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, pp. 538-539 Captain of Life-boat station, Two Rivers, was born in Ogdensburg, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1842. When a child, he went with his parents to Milwaukee, and in 1846 moved to Two Rivers, where he has since resided. He was engaged in fishing and sailing until 1877, when he entered the life-boat service as No. 1 surfman under Captain Scove, who resigned his position, and Captain Pilon succeeded him, receiving his appointment April 1, 1880. This station was built in the Autumn of 1876, and was run as a volunteer company for two years, since which time there has been a stationary crew, now consisting of eight men. They have two boats, one a life and one a surf boat, also a life car, mortar and beach apparatus. He was married, July 16, 1866, to Miss Emily La Clair, of Two Rivers. They have seven children, six sons and one daughter.
ORRIN PIPER Photo from 1921 Patron Directory
PETER PITSCH From the Manitowoc Pilot, 29 April 1875: In Probate, Manitowoc County Court In the matter of the estate of Peter Pitsch deceased. Letters of Administration in said matter being this day granted to Don A. Shove of said county and no one having required the appointment of commissioners of said estate, it is ordered that all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased be received, examined and adjusted before the Judge of this Court. And it is further ordered that four months from and after the date hereof be and the same allowed and limited to creditors to present their claims against the deceased. (the rest of notice is publishing rules) T.G. Olmsted County Judge
JOHN PITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.298-299. John Pitz, who owns and conducts a meat market at No. 707 York street, Manitowoc, has been identified with the commercial interests of this city for the past thirty-seven years. He was born in Nieder Ingelheim, Germany, and there he was likewise reared and educated. When he had attained the age of eighteen years he decided to come to the United States, recognizing that it afforded better advantages and greater opportunities than the more congested countries of Europe. Upon his arrival in this country he first located in Milwaukee, where he applied himself to learning the butcher’s trade. He subsequently went to Green Bay, this state, whence he removed to Manitowoc in 1871. During the first four years of his residence here he was employed in the shop of F. Sieger, but he was thrifty and enterprising and at the expiration of that time had sufficient capital to enable him to open an establishment of his own. He began operations at his present stand in 1875 and here he has ever since been located. As he understood his trade thoroughly and carried a good quality of fresh and cured meats he had little difficulty in gaining patrons. He is a capable business man, practical and enterprising in his ideas and takes great pride in his place, which is not only neat in appearance but is thoroughly sanitary, being equipped with a good system of refrigeration and every modern facility needed in the operation of a first class market. Mr. Pitz has met with a gratifying measure of prosperity as he has applied himself intelligently and capably to the development of his business and in addition to his fine shop is the owner of his residence, which he has remodeled, and several other pieces of property and some dwellings that he has erected to rent. As he had but limited means he had to begin in a small way, but as his trade increased he enlarged his business and later began speculating in local property, realizing that the town, owing to its excellent location and water and rail facilities, was bound to become an industrial center. He ultimately acquired the property where his business is situated and during the period of his ownership has remodeled the building, making it thoroughly modern in every way. Mr. Pitz was married on the 27th of September, 1874, to Miss Mary Moahlman, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Moahlman, pioneer farming people of Manitowoc county. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Pitz, as follows: Laura, the wife of George Kennedy, a carpenter, contractor and house mover; Cornelia, who was graduated from the high school and is now living at home; John, Jr., who is engaged in business with his father; and Ida, the wife of Alfred Beringer, assistant postmaster in Manitowoc. Fraternally Mr. Pitz is a Mason, having taken the degrees of the blue lodge, and he is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His political support he gives to the democratic party, and while he is public-spirited and takes much interest in all matters pertaining to the municipality, he has never sought office. Although he is intensely loyal to the principles and institutions of his opted country and has never had occasion to regret transferring his allegiance to this nation as he has prospered in his undertakings. he has much admiration for the land of his birth and his fellow countrymen. Mr. Pitz has many friends in Manitowoc, whose loyalty and esteem he has won because of his fine substantial personal qualities, that have been thoroughly tested and found enduring in the forty—one years of his residence.
LOUIS K. PITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.635-636. Louis K. Pitz, who for more than thirty years has been recognized as one of the best qualified and most efficient civil enginers of Manitowoc, is a native of Germany, his birth having occurred in Ingelheim, Rhein-Hessen, on the 15th of February, 1851. He is a son of Gottfried and Anna Maria (Fetzer) Pitz, who passed their entire lives in the fatherland and are buried at Ingelheim. The son of parents in moderate circumstances, Louis K. Fitz was reared at home, acquiring his preliminary education in the national schools of his native town and the high school of Geisenheim. When prepared to begin his technical course he entered the Polytechnic School of Karlsruhe, from which institution he was graduated in 1873, at the age of twenty-two years. Immediately thereafter he entered the service of the Rhein Railroad in the capacity of civil engineer, remaining in their service until 1881. In the latter year he resigned his position and together with his wife and family took passage for the United States, settling in Manitowoc. As he is a most efficient and capable man and bore excellent testimonials from the old country, he met with no difficulty in securing employment. He first entered the service of the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railroad, discharging the duties of civil engineer with this company until they sold their line to the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company. He subsequently took a position with the Wisconsin Central Railroad, serving them in the same capacity for five years, when he resigned his position and engaged in contract work for himself. Subsequently he assumed the duties of city engineer, which he continued to discharge until 1904. Since withdrawing from public service he maintained an office and has established a business as consulting engineer and contractor. At Muhlheim on the Ruhr on the 18th of clctober, 1876, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Pitz to Miss Eliza Rettinghaus, and they have become the parents of eight children, as follows: Henrietta, who married Dr. Chloupek, of Green Bay, Wisconsin; Maria Elizabeth, a professional nurse, who was graduated from Trinity Hospital; Ernst Hugo, who was graduated from the Troy Polytechnic Institute and is now first lieutenant in the United States Coast Artillery service; Herman Arthur, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, who holds the position of assistant city engineer at Grand Rapids, Michigan; Otto, who is also in the coast artillery service of the United States; Armin L., a student in the State University of Wyoming; and Joanita, who is a student in the conservatory of the State University of Wisconsin. One child died in infancy. Mr. Pitz is a member of the Sons of Herman, while in politics he is independent, giving his support to such men and measures as he deems best qualified to subserve the highest interests of the people. The family reside at 816 North Twelfth street, where Mr. and Mrs. Pitz extend their hospitality to their many friends.
(FEMALE) PLANTIKOW Birth Certificate: v.10 p.339 doc.16411 Full Name Of Child: ? Plantikow Color / Sex: White / Female Other Children Living With Issue: John, Minne, Chas. Full Name Of Father: Carl Plantikow Occupation Of Father: Farmer Full Name Of Mother; Minnie Rumlow Birthdate: Wednesday, Feb 2, 1898 At 10 A.M. Birthplace: Cooperstown, Wi Birthplace Of Father: Germany Birthplace Of Mother: Germany Physician: W.H. Vosburgh Of Cooperstown, Wi Date Of Certificate; Feb 4, 1898 Date Of Registration: Feb 8, 1898 Still Born
ARTHUR GEO. PLANTIKOW Birth Certificate: v.6 p.183 doc.6484 Full Name Of Child: Arthur Geo. Plantikow Color / Sex; White /Male Father's Name: Carl Plantikow Occupation Of Father; Harness Maker Full Name Of Mother; Bertha Kriesen Birthdate: April 14, 1884 Birthplace: Manitowoc County Physician: Rev. L.R.P. Pieper Of Manitowoc City, Wi Date Of Certificate: Dec 31, 1884 Date Of Registration: Dec. 31, 1884
CHARLES H. PLANTIKOW Birth Certificate: v.7 p.13 doc.7679 Full Name Of Child: Charles H. Plantikow Color / Sex: White/ Male Full Name Of Father: Carl Plantikow (Plantico) Occupation: Salter Full Name Of Mother; Bertha Kriesen Birthdate: Sept 5, 1886 Birthplace: Manitowoc County Physician: Rev. R. Pieper Date Of Certificate: Dec 31, 1886 Date Of Registration: Dec 31, 1886 (on this one someone marked our Plantikow and rewrote Plantico after each name)
ELLA A.W. PLANTIKOW Birth Certificate v.6 p.306 doc.7219 Full Name Of Child; Ella A.W. Plantikow Color / Sex: White/ Female Full Name Of Father: Carl Plantikow Occupation Of Father; Harness Maker Full Name Of Mother: Bertha Kriesen Birthdate: July 28, 1885 Birthplace: Manitowoc County Physician: Rev. L.R.P. Pieper Of Manitowoc, Wi Date Of Certificate: Dec. 31, 1885 Date Of Registration: Dec. 31, 1885
HERBERT HEIN. WILHELM PLANTIKOW Birth Certificate: v.8 p.288 doc.11557 Full Name Of Child: Herbert Hein Wilhelm Color / Sex: White / Male Full Name Of Father: Carl Plantikow Full Name Of Mother: Bertha Kriesen Birthdate: Sept 28, 1890 Birthplace: Manitowoc, Wi Name Of Physician: Rev. K. Machmiller Of Manitowoc, Wi Date Of Certificate: Dec 17, 1890 Date Of Registration: Dec 23, 1890
HUGO LOUIS HARRISON PLANTIKOW Birth Certificate: v.8 p.273 doc.11468 Full Name Of Child: Hugo Louis Harrison Color / Sex: White / Male Full Name Of Father: Carl Plantikow Full Name Of Mother: Bertha Kriesen Birthdate: Aug. 11, 1889 Birthplace: Manitowoc, Wi Name Of Physician: Rev. K. Machmiller Of Manitowoc, Wi Date Of Certificate: Dec. 15, 1892 Date Of Registration: Dec. 23, 1892 (I noticed in this volume the last name was left off the child's name on all of the certificates)
JARVIS ELIPHALET PLATT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.257-258. Though more than two decades have passed since Jarvis Eliphalet Platt passed from the scene of earthly activities, he is still remembered by many of the older residents of Manitowoc county as a pioneer merchant and extensive land owner and as a citizen whose labors contributed materially to the upbuilding and development of this region. His birth occurred in Saratoga county, New York, on the 20th of September, 1815, his parents being Obadiah and Elizabeth (Hawley) Platt. The father, a prosperous and energetic resident of the Empire state, reared his family of eleven children on a farm near Lisbon, New York. He was a man of influence in that community, enjoying the respect and confidence of all who knew him. The Platts are of English descent. Jarvis E. Platt acquired a good practical education in the common schools and when not busy with his text-books assisted in the operation of the home farm, thus early being taught the value of industry and activity and laying the foundation for a vigorous, active and enterprising manhood. When a youth of seventeen he took up the profession of school teaching, following the same for a number of years. In 1846 he made his way westward, settling at Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1847, from which point he carried on trading with interior towns. Subsequently, in company with James Kern, he came to Manitowoc with a boat load of merchandise and here took up his abode, seeing splendid opportunities for profitable trading in general merchandise, lumber, grain and the products of the soil in a young and developing community. In this connection he was an important factor in the management of the firms of J. E. Platt & Company, Platt & Vilas, and Platt, Gray & Foster. In addition to his activities as a general merchant he built and operated a fleet of sailing vessels on the lakes. He was always interested in farm lands on an extensive scale and accumulated much city and country property in Manitowoc county. In 1852 Mr. Platt was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Chandler Vilas, by whom he had two children, Edward M. and Helen M. Platt. The daughter still resides in Manitowoc. The son, Edward M. Platt, is located at Chicago in the wholesale coal business, being president of the Platt & Brahm Coal Company, and is also engaged in the wholesale electrical supply and specialty business with the Paragon Sellers Company, of which company he is president. In politics Mr. Platt was a stanch republican and, though not an office seeker, his fellow townsmen at various times called him to positions of public trust and responsibility. He was fond of books and always devoted much time to reading, keeping abreast with the trend of the times in affairs of local, state and national importance. In religious faith he was an Episcopalian. During the period of his residence in this county, covering more than four decades, he won and maintained an enviable reputation as a prosperous and representative business man and esteemed citizen.
FRANK PLEUSS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.156-157. Frank Pleuss is the owner of a fine farm in Manitowoc Rapids township in the operation of which he has been engaged for more than thirty years. He was born in the vicinity of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, on the 1st of December, 1851, and is a son of Frederick and Mary (Kruer) Pleuss. The parents were both born, reared and married in the kingdom of Hanover, Germany, whence they emigrated to the United States in 1851 with their two eldest children, Diedrich and Sophia. They came directly to this state, locating at Cedarburg, near the city of Milwaukee, where they resided for about one year. At the expiration of that time they came to Manitowoc county and purchased eighty acres of land in Newton township. After he erected thereon a log house to shelter his family, the father began clearing his land. He was thrifty and energetic and not only brought his fields under high cultivation, but added to his acreage at various times, and at the time of his death in 1877, at the age of sixty-two, owned one of the valuable properties of the community. When the Civil war broke out the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pleuss, Diedrich, enlisted in Company F, Twenty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteer infantry and went to the front. He participated in some of the notable conflicts of the war and was killed at the battle of Nashville. The boyhood and youth of Frank Pleuss were passed on the homestead in Newton township, his education being obtained in the district schools of the vicinity. While yet in his early childhood he was assigned tasks about the home and later assisted with the cultivation of the fields and care of the stock. After leaving school he gave his entire time and attention to the work of the farm, subsequently learning the carpenter’s trade from his father, who had served an apprenticeship in the old country and was an exceptionally skilful and well trained artisan. When he was twenty-five years of age he left the farm and began working at his trade, continuing to follow this occupation for four years. At the expiration of that period he decided that agricultural pursuits afforded greater possibilities and in 1880 he invested his capital in the farm where he now lives. As he was a practical agriculturist of enterprising and industrious habits, Mr. Pleuss applied himself intelligently to the cultivation of his fields meeting with corresponding success. He has always given his personal supervision to everything about his place and for many years he did the greater part of the work on the fields himself. He has a very comfortable residence on his farm, and good barns and outbuildings, while his fields are substantially fenced and under high cultivation. In connection with general farming he has been engaged in stock-raising and has met with handsome returns from both branches of the business. In 1880, Mr. Pleuss was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Schnell, a daughter of Jacob and Frederica Schnell, the father a native of Mecklenburg and the mother of Prussia, who for many years were residents of Liberty township. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Pleuss, as follows: Mary, who was born in 1883, now the wife of William Schramm by whom she has had two children, Frederica and Carl; John, whose birth occurred in 1885 and Albert, whose natal year was 1889. In matters of faith the family are all Lutherans. Mr. Pleuss takes an active interest in township affairs, but has always declined to accept office save that of school director in which capacity he has been serving for the past six years. He has always been one of the enterprising and progressive citizens of his community where he is widely known and held in high esteem.
Henry Ploecklemann This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOHN E. PLUMB This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.93-94. John E. Plumb contributed in substantial measure to Manitowoc’s business activity in his organization of the firm of Plumb & Nelson, which was incorporated in 1888, with John E. Plumb as president. He has since bent his energies toward the development of a business, which is now one of Wisconsin’s most extensive wholesale grocery houses. He entered the field in competition with old established houses but has brought into play modern methods and unremitting energy in the attainment of a result which is as creditable as it is desirable. Mr. Plumb was born in Manitowoc, September 8, 1850, and is a son of E. J. and Ella Plumb. The father came from Massachusetts to Wisconsin about 1840. At that time this city was a mere hamlet and he at once became an active factor as a contractor in aiding in its material development. The old Pierce farm buildings which he erected still stand and he also built the North Bridge pier. Many of the structures which he erected are now out of existence. His death occurred in 1850 and his wife, who came from Germany in 1830, died in 1905, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years, and is buried in the Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Plumb is interred in the old Manitowoc cemetery. In the public schools of Manitowoc John F. Plumb pursued his education, laying aside his text-books at the early age of thirteen years. Afterward he sailed on the lakes and was employed in various capacities on the boats for six years. At the end of that time he left that business to accept a clerical position with the firm of J. A. Koehler, where he remained for three years. Thus having gained some actual business experience and realizing that the success which he desired could he obtained only by engaging in business independently, he formed a partnership with his half—brother, J. C. Nelson, under the firm name of Plumb & Nelson. This business was started in 1873 and is today the only wholesale house in the city and one of the larger wholesale firms of the state. The enterprise stands today as a visible evidence of the business ability of Mr. Plumb and Mr. Nelson, who have the remarkable faculty of enlisting the enthusiastic cooperation of every man in their employ. Mr. Plumb regards no detail as too unimportant to claim his attention and at the same time gives to the more salient features of the business their due relative position. Being recognized as a capable business man, his cooperation has been sought in the conduct of other interests and since the formation of the park commission he has served as its president. He is also one of the members of the water commission and is a member of the library board. In February, 1879, at Manitowoc, Mr. Plumb was married to Miss Ella C. Slye, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Slye, who were among the early settlers of this city. Mrs. Plumb passed away July 1, 1911, leaving one son, Ralph G., who is secretary of his father’s firm. The family reside at the corner of St. Clair and Sixth streets in the substantial home which Mr. Plumb purchased a few years ago. In politics Mr. Plumb gives his support to the republican party and for six years has served as alderman. Fraternally he holds membership in the blue lodge and chapter of the Masonic order. He has for some years been an elder and trustee of the First Presbyterian church and was also one of the directors of the Young Men’s Christian Association. His interest in public affairs led him to receive the honor of the first presidency of the Manitowoc Business Men’s Association and being the first owner of an automobile within the limits of Manitowoc county he was elected president of the Manitowoc County Automobile Club in 1910 and a year later was chosen a director in the State Association. He is a self-made man of prominence in the city and his life record is one which merits praise and commendation, for without any special advantages at the outset of his career he has worked his way upward, his determination and energy carrying him into business relations of much more than ordinary importance.
R. G. PLUMB This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.252-255. Numbered among the prominent and enterprising young citizens of Manitowoc is R. G. Plumb, the secretary of the mercantile firm conducting business under the name of the Plumb & Nelson Company. His birth occurred in Manitowoc on the 17th of January, 1881, his parents being John E. and Ella (Slye) Plumb, the former a native of Manitowoc and the latter of Branch, this county. John E. Plumb is partly German by descent but his wife came of New England ancestry. The paternal grandfather of our subject was a carpenter and contractor by trade and came to Wisconsin about 1840, settling in Sheboygan county. About 1849 he took up his abode in Manitowoc and here worked at his trade until he passed away during the cholera epidemic of 1850. He was appointed and had ably served as a deputy sheriff. R. G. Plumb, who was the only child of his parents, obtained his early education in Manitowoc and was graduated from the north side high school with the class of 1897. Subsequently he entered the University of Wisconsin and in 1901 was graduated from that institution. He next pursued a course in the University Law School and was admitted to the bar in 1902. In that year he entered the service of the Plumb & Nelson Company, with which he has been identified continuously since and of which he is now the secretary. He has been an important factor in business circles and his prosperity is well deserved, as in him are embraced the characteristics of an unbending integrity, unabating energy and industry that never flags. In 1906 Mr. Plumb was united in marriage to Miss Ida M. Holmes, who was the eighth of nine children born unto John and Elizabeth Holmes, of Menominee, Michigan. Our subject and his wife have two children, Helen and Ruth. Having taken an active interest in literary matters Mr. Plumb published in 1902 The History of Manitowoc County. He was also active in the organization of The Manitowoc County Historical Society a year or two later. In 1911 his work upon The History of the Navigation of the Great Lakes appeared, being published under authority of congress, and several shorter historical and literary treatises have come from his pen. He is a member of the Wisconsin Archaeological Society, the Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Nu fraternities and is also the secretary of the Manitowoc County Historical Society. Having traveled extensively in western Canada he was engaged in 1911 by his majesty’s government to write a treatise on The Western Canada of Today, which was completed a year later. In politics Mr. Plumb is a stanch republican, loyally supporting the men and measures of that party. For the past four years he has ably served as alderman of the second ward. Fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and is now past exalted ruler of the local lodge, having served as ruler for one year. He also acted as archon of the Royal League Council, No. 42, at Manitowoc. In religious faith he is a Presbyterian. While giving close attention to his personal interests, he has never lost sight of his duty as a citizen, being deeply interested in all matters pertaining to the public welfare and giving of his time and means toward the advancement and promotion of the community at large.
R. G. Plumb
A.W. PRESTON Married. In this place, on the 29th ult., by Justice Fellows, Doct. A.W. Preston to Miss Ann McAllister, both of Manitouwoc County. Manitouwoc [old spelling] County Herald, October 2, 1851, Vol. 1 No. 45 ******** DEATH.-We regret to learn that Dr. A.W. Preston, late a valuable and worthy citizen of this village, died recently among his friends in New Hampshire. Manitowoc Pilot, January 6, 1865 P. 1 ******** In Probate-State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc county, ss. In the matter of the last will and testament of Abraham W. Presto(n), deceased. To all whom it may concern. LETTERS testamentary having been issued to Daniel S. Ward, of Rumrey, New Hampshire, on the 17th day of January, 1865, and not less than six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance; notice is hereby given that the undersigned will on the 1st Monday of June, on the 1st Monday in July, and on the 1st Monday in September, 1865, at the office of the county court in the Village and county of Manitowoc at 10 o'clock A.M. Receive examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Manitowoc, April 14, 1865. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, May 19, 1865 P. 3 ******** FROM THE WAR.-Dr. A.W. Preston, Surgeon in the Sixth Wisconsin Regiment, returned home on Wednesday, from the army of Virginia. We regret, which we know will be shared by all his acquaintances, that the Dr. has been in very feeble health for the last month, and only leaves his charge in the army to get relief, with the hope to return to Virginia within two or three weeks. He speaks in the highest terms of Gen. McClellan, and those Republicans who, for the last six months, have been abusing that able soldier, find very little consolation in conversing with Dr. Preston. Manitowoc Pilot, August 1, 1862 P. 3 ******** Re-Enlisted.-The 6th Wisconsin Regiment, which has been in the service nearly three years with the Army of the Potomac, is to return to the State to recruit, the men having re-enlisted. Dr. Preston, formerly of this place, is Surgeon of the 6th, and we understand will be in town in a short time to spend a couple of weeks. His friends here will be gratified to see him after his long absence. Manitowoc Pilot, January 15, 1864 P. 1 ******** ARRIVED HOME.-Our fellow citizen, Dr. A.W. Preston, has arrived home for good from the army, having honorably served his three years. The Doctor has poor health, but we hope will recuperate in a short time under the influence of our healthy climate. Manitowoc Pilot, September 9, 1864 P. 2
DR. J.F. PRITCHARD Manitowoc Tribune, Vol. 18 No. 46, Thursday, February 29, 1872, Page 4 Column 1 Dr. J.F. Pritchard, late of Oakfield, Fond du Lac County, was introduced to us the other day as a new acquisition of our city. He appears to us as a young man of good moral character, studious habits and of fine mental abilities. May he prove a blessing to our community.
ANTON PROCHAZKA From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 531 Anton Prochazka, of the firm of A. Prochazka & Company, proprietors of foundry and machine shops, Manitowoc. Their business was established in 1867. They employ eight men, and manufacture grist mill and steamboat machinery. Mr. Prochaza was born in Bohemia, January 10, 1836. He emigrated to America in 1850, and settled in Watertown, Wisconsin, with his parents; remained there about six months, and went to Milwaukee, and lived there seven years, and learned the trade of a machinist. He went to St. Louis, Mo., in the Summer of 1857, was there during the Summer, and went to Milwaukee in 1858, and to Manitowoc in December, 1858. First engaged in grist and saw mill business in Reedsville, Manitowoc Co.; was there seven years, and came to Manitowoc in 1867. Since then he has lived there, engaged in machinery business. He was married in Reedsville, in 1860, to Miss Elizabeth Stupecky; she was born in Bohemia, Jan. 26, 1842. They have three children - Emiel, Addie and Julius.
EDWARD PUFAHL From COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY, REMINISCENCE AND BIOGRAPHY. Edward Pufahl, a well-to-do farmer, energetic and industrious, a typical representative of the German race, who came to this country to establish a home and accumulate a competence for his old age, resides on his farm of two hundred and twenty acres, which is situated in section twenty-five, township twenty-five, range two, and on which five acres are planted in trees. Mr. Pufahl has been for many years a resident of northeastern Nebraska, having settled in Pierce county in 1892. Mr. Pufahl was born November 10, 1850, in the village of Sacho, district of Pegenwalde, province of Pommerania, Germany, and is the son of William Pufahl (also a native of that province), who was born in 1820, and died in America at the good old age of eighty-two years. He was employed as a woodworker in the factories in the fatherland, and in his younger days served his native country in the army. Mr. Pufahl's mother was Sofia Braun, also a native of Pommerania. and attained a good old age. Mr. Pufahl embarked at Hamburg in 1869 on the sailship "Matilda," on the eleventh of May, landing in New York on June 21. He settled in Wisconsin, where he first secured work in a woodenware factory at Two Rivers. In 1884 he bought one hundred acres in Manitowoc county, which he cultivated some eight years, then sold and bought his present farm in Pierce county, near Hadar, in 1892. To this he has added two eighty-acre tracts, purchased at different times. Mr. Pufahl was married, June 14, 1878, to Miss Edith Oestrieth, who was born in the village of Schauen, province of Pommerania, Germany, in 1856, a daughter of August and Mina (Primnoh) Oestrieth. They came to America, and settled in Wisconsin in 1866. To Mr. and Mrs. Pufahl have been born five children, whose names are as follows: August, married Minnie Kloepke, and lives in Madison county; Louis; Edward, married Ella Wachter, and is farming near his father's place, and Emil. Willie, the second child, died when quite young. The family are members of the German Lutheran church, and Mr. Pufahl casts his vote for the candidates of the republican party.