[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
CHARLES KADERABEK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.217-218. The visitor to Manitowoc county, viewing for the first time its fertile lands, well regulated farms and general air of prosperity, finds it hard to believe that but comparatively a few years ago this section of the country was a wild waste, principally swamp and timberland; yet such is the case, and the excellent condition of the country has only been brought about through the untiring labor and persistent endeavor of men of energy and progressive ideas, whose lives have been spent in forwarding the development of this section. One of these sterling citizens, Charles Kaderabek, of the town of Rapids, comes of a family that has been prominent in agricultural affairs in Manitowoc county for a number of years. His grandfather, Mathias Kaderabek, was born in Bohemia, and founded the family in the town of Cooperstown, Manitowoc county, where he spent his life in developing a farm from the wilderness, and here Frank Kaderabek also rose to prominence among the farmers of the county. The latter, the father of Charles Kaderabek, who married Anne Petska, a native of Bohemia, is now living at Branch. Charles Kaderabek received his education in the schools of the neighborhood of his father’s farm and also attended public school at Branch. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and worked on his father’s farm until 1908, at which time he purchased the property which he is now cultivating, in the town of Rapids, and he has proven himself an able agriculturist and a citizen who may always be counted upon to support those movements which have for their object the development of interests that will be beneficial to this part of the county. In 1908 Mr. Kaderabek was married to Miss Erma Shimek, daughter of Louis Shimek, and two children have blessed this union: Leona, who was born May 15, 1909; and Polina, born September 22, 1910.
Frank is Charles' brother.
John Kadow - 1891
John Kadow and Antonin Murzyn
Kadow Family 1942(photos sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
JOHN M. KADOW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.124-125. John M. Kadow, a well known and esteemed citizen of Manitowoc, has since 1899 successfully conducted a meat market at the corner of Twelfth and Washington streets. His birth occurred in Manitowoc on the 11th of November, 1875, his parents being Frank and Paulina Kadow. It was in 1868 that the father, a native of Germany, left the province of Posen in order to avoid military service, for he felt that he could not support his wife and child on the salary of a Prussian soldier. He landed on American shores practically without a dollar in his possession and made his way direct to Newton, Wisconsin, where his brother Stephen had already established himself in business. After a short period spent in the employ of his brother he removed to Chicago in the hope of bettering himself financially and there worked in a lumberyard. Subsequently, however, he returned to Newton and eventually came to Manitowoc, scorning no employment that would yield him an honest dollar. In 1869, one year after his arrival in this country, he embarked in the butchering business with a partner, the combined capital of the two men amounting to sixty dollars. Because of their lack of necessary funds they experienced great difficulty in making a start and were about to abandon the undertaking when the brother of Frank Kadow came to their assistance by giving security for some steers. By dint of untiring perseverance and careful expenditure Mr. Kadow, ably assisted by his wife, gradually worked his way upward to the goal of success, accumulating quite a fortune. For the past twelve years he has lived retired, enjoying the fruits of his former toil in well earned ease. During his active business career he contributed materially toward the development of Manitowoc by the erection of ten houses. His record is an excellent illustration of the power of energy and perseverance in the battle of life, showing what may be accomplished when industry is directed and supplemented by sound judgment. The period of his residence in Manitowoc covers more than four decades and his reputation is an enviable one. He reared a family of seven children, all of whom are in comfortable financial circumstances. John M. Kadow obtained his education in the Catholic parochial school and when a youth of fourteen put aside his text-books to enter the butchering establishment of his father. Thus he gained a thorough knowledge of the business and on his father’s retirement, in 1899, took over the enterprise and has since carried it on with gratifying success. On the 24th of November, 1898, in Manitowoc, Mr. Kadow was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Mangin, daughter of Thomas Mangin, a real-estate investor. Their union has been blessed with six children, namely: Francis, Lenora, Grace, John, Edith and Thomas. Mr. Kadow gives his political allegiance to the democracy, loyally supporting the men and measures of that party. He is a devoted communicant of St. Boniface Catholic church and also belongs to the Catholic Order of Foresters. Both he and his wife are widely and favorably known as people of genuine personal worth and many sterling traits of character and have gained an extensive circle of warm friends throughout the community.
WENZEL C. KADOW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.370. Wenzel C. Kadow, a prosperous business man of Manitowoc, who is junior member of the real-estate and insurance firm of the Franz, Schmitz, Kadow Company has been a resident of this city all of his life, and was born here August 2, 1873, a son of Frank and Paulina Kadow, natives of Germany, where they were married. Mr. Kadow’s parents came to the United States in 1866, locating at Manitowoc, where, after following various occupations, Frank Kadow opened a butcher shop, which he conducted until his retirement. He was a democrat in politics, and he and his wife were consistent members of the Catholic church and he also held membership in the Knights of America. They had a family of nine children, of whom two are deceased. Wenzel C. Kadow received a common-school education, and after completing his studies became employed as a clerk by Judge Baensch, whom he left to enter the business of Franz & Schmitz. Eventually he bought an interest in the business, and finally, on acquiring an equal interest with the other partners, he was admitted into the firm, and the style became Franz, Schmitz, Kadow Company, and it has since remained as such. This is one of Manitowoc’s largest real-estate and insurance firms, and the partners all bear high reputations in the business world. On November 6, 1901, Mr. Kadow was married to Mary Peterik, of Manitowoc, daughter of John Peterik, one of this county’s early settlers, and three children have been born to this union, namely, Eugene, Stanley and Eunice. Mr. and Mrs. Kadow are members of the Catholic church. He is fraternally connected with the Catholic Order of Foresters, and in political matters is independent, voting for the candidate whom he deems best fitted to hold the office. He has been too busy to engage actively in political matters, but takes a keen interest in local matters and is well informed on conditions as they stand today.
ALBERT KAHLENBERG From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 General merchandise and meat market, Two Rivers, born, Oct. 11, 1826 in Prussia, and in 1852 he came to Two Rivers and worked at various kinds of labor for two years. He then opened a meat market and has continued in this business ever since. In October, 1880, he opened a general store. He married, in 1856, Miss Katharine Weis, of Hesse- Darmstadt, who died in 1868, aged thirty-four years. They have three children, one son and two daughters. He married, the second time, Bertha Albrecht, in 1868, a native of Prussia, by whom he has one son and one daughter.
OTTO KAHLENBERG From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, March 21, 1914 OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) The two pioneer tinsmiths of Two Rivers were Robert Suettinger deceased and Otto Kahlenberg. The latter learned the trade from Mr. Suettinger in a small tinshop which stood on the present site of the Hamilton Hotel before the ???? ????(too light) warehouse which stood there previous to the hotel, was erected. Mr. Kahlenberg arrived here at the age of 15 in 1853 and went to work almost immediately. He came over from his birthplace, Etzleben, Germany with his older sister. They had an unusually long journey coming over, covering thirteen weeks of dubious weather. In the first years here Mr. Kahlenberg did the tin work on the first sawmill built at Neshoto and on vessels in Harbridge's ship yard near the Monroe Street bridge on the site of the Reporter office. After working here four years Mr. Kahlenberg thought he'd try his luck elsewhere and went to Milwaukee where he helped with the tin work on the Best(?) Brewery that has now become the immense plant of the Pabst Brewing Company. From there he went to Janesville where he enlisted in the army at the breaking out of the civil war. He became a member of company D. 13th Wisconsin. During the war he saw service at Belmont, Murfreesborough, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge and other battles and in the entire Vicksburg campaign. He came to Two Rivers when the war was over to settle down here for good and in a short time was married to Gertrude Nies on the last day of the year 1864. He again engaged in the work of tinsmith working for a time for the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company and for Robert Suettinger Sr. In 1868 on the 1st of April the pail factory was destroyed by fire and he was engaged with others to rebuild the plant which was again burned down in 1873. He also helped in the work of rebuilding it the second time. He started his own tinshop and hardware store in 1877. Among the more important jobs he undertook was the work on the light house at Two Rivers Point. This was erected in 1879 and Mr. Kahlenberg had much work to do covering the roof 120 feet above the ground. Mr. Kahlenberg's hardware business enjoyed reasonable prosperity. When the soldiers were musterd out of service, He says that he and many others threw their guns away but he carried home with him from the south two large tin shears, with the assistance of a comrade whom he paid $5. One he sold to Mr. Suettinger and it is still at the Suettinger shop to this day doing service occasionally. When his sons grew up they experimented on new things and developed at last their famous gasoline engine. This resulted in winding up the hardware business and the erection of the modern manufacturing plant of Kahlenberg Bros. on the Southside. Mr. Otto Kahlenberg has retired from active participaton in the business affairs of this concern but occupies himself attending to things around the premises and to the delivery of freight which he is still able to do at the age of 77. Mr. and Mrs. Kahlenberg have now been married nearly fifty years. She is 73 but the snows of age have not settled upon her. It is their intention to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary and as both are in good health the joyous occasion will no doubt take place on December 31, this year when they will have been married fifty years.
JOHN A. KAHLER From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, 10 November 1870: Mortgage Foreclosure - Whereas, on the 21st day of August, A.D. 1866, P. Jerome Pierce, of the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, as party of the first part and mortgagor executed and delivered to John A. Kahler, of said county of Manitowoc, as party of the second part and mortgagee, a mortgage hearing done on that day to secure the payment by the said mortgagor to one Elizabeth Lawrence the sum of seventeen hundred dollars three years from the date thereof with interest payable annually and save harmless and indemnify the said John A. Kahler from the paymentof a certain note executed on said day by the said Pierce and said John A. Kahler on surety for said Pierce to the said Elizabeth Lawrence for said sum of seventeen hundred dollars payable as above mentioned according to the condition of a certain bond executed by the said P. Jerome Pierce to the said mortgagee, which said mortgage was duly executed so as to be entitled to record, and was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Manitowoc aforesaid, on the ninth day of January, A.D. 1867, at four o'clock P.M. in volume "Q" of mortgages on page 257; and whereas, by the terms of said mortgage, the said mortgagee, his heirs, executed, administrators or assigns were duly authorized and empowered to grant, bargain, sell, release and convey the premises therein described in case of the non- payment of the sum of money secured to be paid thereby or any part thereof and whereas in and by said mortgage the said mortgagor, covenanted and agreed to pay all taxes and assessments of every nature that might be assessed on the mortgaged premises previous to the day appointed in persuance of any law of the State for the sale of land for taxes; and whereas, in and by the said mortgage the said mortgagor, covenanted and agreed to pay the sum of twenty- five dollars as solicitor's fees in case the same should be foreclosed by reason of the non-performance of any of the conditions thereof; and whereas, default has occurred in the conditions of said mortgage by the non-payment of said sum of seventeen hundred dollars and interest to the said Elizabeth Lawrence; and whereas the said John A. Kahler has become liable to pay said sum of money to the said Elizabeth Lawrence and whereas, the said John A. Kahler did on the twentieth day of August, A.D. 1869, pay to the said Elizabeth Lawrence the said sum of seventeen hundred dollars with interest amounting in all to the sum of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight dollars; and whereas default has also occurred in the conditions of said mortgage by the non-payment of taxes upon the said mortgaged premises for the year 1869, which said taxes amounting to the sum of eight dollars were on the fifteenth day of December 1869 paid by John A. Kahler, and whereas, the said John A. Kahler is now the lawful owner and holder of the said mortgage, and claims that there is now due him theron the sum of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight dollars with interest from August 20th, 1869, besides said taxes so paid on aforesaid; and whereas, no action or proceeding has ben instituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by the said mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided the said mortgage will be foreclosed, by a sale of the premises therein described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to be sold to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and bond with interest and the costs and expenses of sale, together with the said sum of twenty-five dollars solicitor's fee agreed to be paid in case of the foreclosure thereof, at public vendue by the sheriff of the county of Manitowoc at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on Saturday the tenth day of December 1870, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to the highest bidder. The following is a description of the premises designated on said mortgage to-wit: The undivided one-half of lot No. one(1) of section No. fourteen(14) of Township No. nineteen(19) north of range No. twenty-three(23) east, and being in said county of Manitowoc. John A. Kahler, Mortgagee Walker & White, Aty's for Mortgagee
Eva Geigel Kaltenbrun (1837-1927) with the children of her daughter, Christina Kaltenbrun Schwoerer, wife of Anton Schwoerer. The children are (from L to R): Henry (1904-1975), Clara Tuma (1905-1992), Michael (1909-1983), Bertha Heinzen (1907-1997) and Armella Roell (1903-?). Photo dates from late 1909 or early 1910.
BRED KAMP From the Two Rivers Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tuesday, February 14, 1888: Yesterday Mr. Bred Kamp of the town of Two Rivers entered complaint against John Westphal, also of the town of Two Rivers for carrying concealed weapons. Westphal, it seems, carries a revolver and the other day he shot Mr. Kamp's dog, which he found in the woods, without, as Mr. Kamp claims, having just cause or provication. The complaint was made before Justice Wieman.
CARL RUDOLPH KANT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.493-494. Carl Rudolph Kant is the manager of the Maribel Lumber Company and the town of Maribel finds him a progressive business man and enterprising citizen. His intelligently directed efforts and his unfaltering industry constitute the basis of growing success. He is but a young man and yet all accord him a position of prominence in commercial circles. He was born in Princeton, Wisconsin, February 15, 1890, and is a son of William Fred Kant, who came to America when a young man and followed the carpenter's trade, eventually becoming a contractor in Princeton, Wisconsin. Later he operated a mill at Manchester, Wisconsin, for his father. He married Paulina Tchnosnick, of Manchester, but both have now passed away, the father’s death occurring in December, 1907, when he was fifty-six years of age, while the mother was called to her final home in June, 1908. His political allegiance was given to the republican party and he served as town marshal for one term. He was reared in the Lutheran church. Unto him and his wife were born eleven children: Albert and William, both of whom are residents of Princeton, Wisconsin; Carrie, living in North Fond du Lac, the wife of Carl Gorske, by whom she has one child; Carl Rudolph, of this review; Richard, of Princeton, this state; and Elsie, Walter, Lydia, Emma, Otto and Arnold, all at home. Carl R. Kant started in the business world in connection with the occupation of farming, to which he had been reared. He engaged in cultivating land on shares but later abandoned agricultural pursuits and became connected with the lumber trade as an employe in the yard of the Yahr Lumber Company, at Princeton, Wisconsin, where he remained for four months. He was then transferred, on the 17th of March, 1907, to Redgranite, Wisconsin, where he was employed by the Yahr-Koeser Lumber Company as assistant manager, and on the 22d of January, 1909, came to Maribel as manager for the Maribel Lumber Company, engaged in handling all kinds of lumber, building materials, cement, brick, sash and doors. The scope of their business has also been extended to include hard and soft coal. The yard covers a space of one square block and the enterprise is one of the largest of the kind in this section. That Mr. Kant has charge of so important a commercial undertaking is proof of his business and executive ability and his capable management and it also indicates the confidence and trust reposed in him by the company which he represents. He is alert and energetic, recognizes the conditions of trade and the demands of the hour, and the years have brought him to a position of well merited prominence in commercial circles.
MR. & MRS. MICHAEL KANZELBERGER From Two Rivers Chronicle June 25, 1918 CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING The Kanzelberger family were the happiest people on earth last Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kanzelberger celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. All the sons and daughters, grand-sons and grand-daughters and great-grandchildren gathered at the home early in the day and at 9 o'clock they marched to St. Luke's church where special services were held. Every member of the family received communion and the services were very impressive. The choir of the church made the occassion more solemn by rendering some fine selections. When the aged couple knelt at the altar to renew their marriage vows after living happily together for a half century they presented a scene that will bever be forgotten by all present at the services which were conducted by Father Geissler. Golden wedding celebrations are rare and it is selcom that a couple that has endured the trials and tribulations that thesse old people have are able to be together after fifty years of married live. Mr. and Mrs. Kanzelberger are both in good health and they were the happiest of them all. All during their married life they shared each others sorrows and shared each others joys on Saturday as they knelt at the altar they thanked God for endowing them with good health and for the blessings they have received during their lives. The couple was born in Austria in 1842 and came to this country in 1868. They settled on a farm in the Town of Two Rivers where they resided until 18 years ago when they came to this city to reside to spend their remaining days. They have nine children, forty-one grand-children and two great-grand children. After the services at the church, the event was celebrated at the home of the aged couple and an elaborate meal was served to the guests. The home was decorated for the occasion. Among those present were Rev. Father Geissler, Rev. Father Hugo, Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Cargon of Manitowoc, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunz of Antigo, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gruenwald of Sheboygan, Mrs. W. Brunner, Sr. of Whitelaw, Mrs. J. Winninger of Manitowoc, Mr. and Mrs. F. Brundt, Paul and Anton Shamberger of Sheboygan. The children and others from this city who were present were Joe Kanzelberger and family, Mike Kanzelberger and family, Peter Kanzelbergeer(sic) and family, Ed. Kanzelberger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Brunner, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bonfigt, Mr. and Mrs. John Kleckner, Ed. Koch, Chas Dickensheid, Geo. Klein, Henry Wilke, Sr. Fred Stueck, Pius Fischer, Mike Stoer, Frank Adam, Mrs. M. Mulerer(sic). FREDRICK KAPING This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.634-635. Fredrick Kaping, who is successfully conducting a hotel, general mercantile establishment and saloon at Steinthal, Manitowoc county, has passed his entire life in this vicinity. He was born in Eaton township on the 10th of December, 1864, and is a son of Joachim and Josephina Kaping. The father was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, whence he emigrated to the United States in 1851 with two brothers. They came by way of Milwaukee and first located at Holstein, Wisconsin. Later Mr. Kaping came to Manitowoc county and took up some government land in Eaton township. There he erected a log cabin, then energetically applied himself to clearing his land and placing it under cultivation. He was unfamiliar with agricultural pursuits as he had learned weaving in the old country and had always followed that trade until he came to the United States. Later his parents joined him here, but they subsequently removed to Holstein and there they both passed away at a ripe old age. Unto Joachim and Josephina Kaping there were born seven children, four of whom are living as follows: Elisebeth, at New Holstein, Wisconsin; Christian, who is a resident of Manitowoc; Fredrick, our subject; and Franz, who is also a resident of Manitowoc. The mother passed away in 1866 and the father married again. He lived to attain the age of seventy-five years, his death occurring in 1895. The boyhood and youth of Fredrick Kaping were not distinguished by any unusual occurrences, but were passed in a manner very similar to those of other lads who were reared in the rural sections of Wisconsin during the pioneer period. He attended the district schools and while mastering the elementary branches of English assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm. While yet in his early boyhood he assumed many of the duties of a man and after leaving school he gave his undivided attention to the work of the fields and care of the crops. As the years passed more and more of the work and responsibility connected with the operation of the farm devolved upon him, and in 1886, at the age of twenty—two years, he took over the management of the home place and supported his father and step—mother until their deaths. He subsequently bought the farm which he operated until 1899, and in April, 1902, he bought his present place, located at Steinthal. Here Mr. Kaping is operating a hotel, general store and saloon, and is meeting with good financial success in his undertakings. On the 10th of December, 1888, Mr. Kaping was united in marriage to Miss Ida Schroeder, who was born in Kiel. She is a daughter of the late Adolph Schroeder and his wife, whose maiden name was Louisa Meyer. The parents were born and reared in Germany and there they were engaged to be married. The father emigrated to the United States in 1864, locating on a farm in Schleswig township, Manitowoc county, and here he was later joined by Miss Meyer, whom he married in Manitowoc county. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kaping as follows: William, who died in infancy; Ella, the wife of Hugo Huntsberg, a farmer in Eaton township, and the mother of one child, Lester; and Hugo and Lilly, both of whom are at home. The family affiliate with Bethlehem Reformed church, in which the parents hold membership. Mr. Kaping has always been one of the foremost men in public activities in the township, and served for two years each as assessor and supervisor and for thirteen years he was a member of the township school board and for two years he was a director of the board. He is now and has been for the past six years discharging the duties of justice of the peace in Eaton township. Mr. Kaping is one of the widely known and enterprising native sons of Manitowoc county, among whose citizens he numbers many friends of long years’ standing.
EMIL M. KAPITAN, D. D. S. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.58-59. Emil M. Kapitan, D. D. S., who is engaged in the practice of dentistry at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where he has a large patronage, was born in Manitowoc county, May 9, 1871, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Fisher) Kapitan. John Kapitan was born in Bohemia, and was a graduate of the agricultural department of Prague University. As a young man he came to the United States and located at Branch, Manitowoc county, where he took up wild land and engaged in agricultural pursuits, and he was there married to Elizabeth Fisher, whose parents were early settlers of this section. Mr. and Mrs. Kapitan had a family of four children, one being now deceased, and Dr. Kapitan and two sisters still surviving. Emil M. Kapitan received a common-school education, and then went to Valparaiso (Indiana) University, being graduated from the normal and commercial departments in 1891. For the three years that followed he clerked in the Williams House, Manitowoc, after which he entered the Kansas City Dental College, being graduated therefrom in 1898, with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Kapitan has always been enterprising and industrious, and he worked his own way through college. Since his graduation he has been practicing in Manitowoc, where he is well known and highly esteemed both in his profession and by the community. He keeps abreast of the times by subscription to various dental periodicals and membership in the different societies of his profession, and his offices are fitted with the latest and most highly improved instruments and appliances known to dentistry. He is now serving as secretary of the Manitowoc Dental Society, and is fraternally connected with the Masons, the Knights of Pythias and the Royal League. On May 30, 1899, Dr. Kapitan was united in marriage with Miss Bessie Wiesner, of St. Louis, and to this union there has been born a daughter, Florence. The Doctor and his wife are consistent members of the Presbyterian church.
LOUIS KASTEN From the Manitowoc County Chronicle Two Rivers, June 15, 1875 Serious Accident Last Friday Louis Kasten, an employee at the tub and pail factory, while moving a heavy timber on the slide which leads from the factory to the river, slipped and fell from the slide to the ground below, a distance of eighteen feet, striking his head on a block of wood. He was taken up in an insensible condition, the blood oozing from his mouth and nostrils. At present he is in a very critical condition, his entire body being paralyzed. The doctors have no hope of his recovery, we are informed.
FRANZ KAUFMAN From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, Jan. 10, 1914: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Eighty four years ago today Franz Kaufman was born at Bluelf, Prussia. Fifty-six of those years were spent in Two Rivers, six months in 1856 at Chicago, and six months in 1857 in Sheboygan County as blacksmith. In those days all young men among common people in Germany with any ambition, learned a trade and Mr. Kaufman chose the trade of a blacksmith. Unlike most of the old timers he was married in the old country and with his wife and one child he emigrated to America in 1856. At Two Rivers he worked as the blacksmith for Pierpont and Company. In 1858 this concern closed down its saw mill and Mr. Kaufman opened a blacksmith shop of his own. Upon leaving Howards Grove, Sheboygan Co. in 1858 they packed the children in a sleigh and made the trip by ox team in quite cold weather. Since then the family has continued to reside here and Mr. Kaufman was actively engaged in the wagon and blacksmith business for thirty years here. He acquired 218 acres of land about two miles north of the city on the Sandy Bay road, which still has considerable timber on it. Those early pioneer days were strenuous times and men did things that people would hesitate a long time about doing today. Mr. Kaufman prided himself on being a good walker and on one occasion he made a journey to Milwaukee which is approximately 80 miles, on foot. He went there in search of employment and it took him two days to go and two to return. Mr. Kaufman was a member of the first Turner Society of Two Rivers and one of its promoters. He was a member of the first volunteer fire department and also served as foreman. He was three times elected city marshall when that office was filled by popular election. His wife died sixteen years ago and about ten years ago he became married to Lena Miss Bonn with whom he now resides. He is the father of one daughter, Mrs. Jos. Rumpf and six sons all of whom are doing well in their vocations. His son Frank is the superintendent of the woodworking department of the Hamilton Mfg. Co. Mr. Kaufman has always been a robust healthy man but of late "the pruning knife of time has cut him down." and it cannot be ere long he will answer the summons and pass away.
FRANK P. KAUFMANN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.486. Frank Kaufmann, contractor and builder of cement sidewalks, cellar floors, steps and all concrete constructions, is one of the younger representatives and substantial business men and residents of Two Rivers, in which city he has spent his entire life. His birth occurred here on the 12th of September, 1883, and he is a son of Nicholas and Mary (Kieffer) Kaufmann, who came from Sheboygan county in 1870. After arriving here the father engaged in the blacksmith trade. The grandfather, Frank Kaufmann, was marshal of Two Rivers for many years. Frank Kaufmann acquired his education in the public schools of Two Rivers, but at the age of seventeen began to earn his own livelihood. He assisted his uncle, Joseph Kaufmann, in the contracting business which he afterward purchased. It was established in 1900 and is the oldest cement construction business in the city. On the 17th of October, 1906, Mr. Kaufmann was married to Miss Edith Whitcomb, a daughter of Worthy and Mary (Mills) Whitcomb. The father was an agriculturist and his death occurred in December, 1888. He is buried at Cato, Wisconsin, and the mother is at present residing in Two Rivers. To Mr. and Mrs. Kaufmann one child has been born. Fern, who is four years of age. The family residence is at No. 1623 Seventeenth street. Mr. Kaufmann belongs to the Order of the Moose, and in politics he is a democrat, but aside from a business man's interest in securing good government he takes no part in public affairs. All his energies have been bent toward the development of his business, and this close application to the enterprise is probably the secret of his success. He has had a definite aim and never allowed anything to deter him. It is such men as Mr. Kaufmann—reliable, ambitious and conservative—who form the backbone of the country's prosperity and upon whom dependence can be put in time of need.
FRANK KAUTZER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.453-454. Frank Kautzer, who formerly conducted a hotel and saloon in St. Nazianz, has lived in Manitowoc county since early childhood. He was born in Prussia, on the 28th of July, 1866, and is a son of Thomas and Josephine (Gentha) Kautzer. The parents were likewise natives of Prussia, the father's birth having occured on June 24, 1832. He was in the Prussian army and went to the front during the war between Austria and Prussia, but soon after receiving his discharge he decided to emigrate to the United States. The paternal grandparents, Ignatz and Anna Kautzer were already residents of this country, having crossed the Atlantic in 1855 and located in Milwaukee. Here their son Thomas decided to join them with his wife and family, so in 1866 they, too came to Milwaukee. He was a blacksmith and during the first two years of his residence in this country followed his trade in the Wisconsin metropolis, but at the expiration of that time he removed to Manitowoc county, being one of the early pioneers. Upon his arrival here he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and acquired a tract of raw land in Eaton township, and devoted his energies to its cultivation until his death on the 21st of November, 1891, at the age of nearly sixty years. The mother, who was a daughter of Jacob Gentha, survived her husband for a number of years, and had attained the age of sixty-four when she passed away in 1904. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Kautzer numbered nine, as follows: Phena, the wife of August Schwalbe, of Eaton township; Anna, who married George Barnard, of Forest Junction, Wisconsin; Mary, who became the wife of Oscar Freund, of Eaton township; Lizzie, the wife of John Klabache of Wausau county; Frank, our subject; Edward, who is a resident of Wausau county; John, who lives in Kansas; Henry, of Marshfield, Wisconsin; and Joseph, of Wausau county. Frank Kautzer was only an infant when his parents emigrated to the United States, and but two years of age when they located in Manitowoc county. While still in his early childhood he began to assist his father with the work of the farm, thus acquiring the habits of thrift and industry and laying the foundation for a life of usefulness. In the acquirement of his education he attended the district schools until he was thirteen, when he was apprenticed to the moulder's trade. During that time it was necessary for him to perform such tasks as he could, when not engaged at his trade, in order to acquire the money to provide himself with clothing. For nine years he resided in Manitowoc, and as he was the eldest son and his parents were in straitened circumstances, he was early compelled to contribute toward the maintenance of the family. He was employed on the lakes for a year and then engaged in railroading being employed on the Wisconsin Central for six years. Later he was stationed at Milwaukee, and was a resident of that city when the first electric cars were installed. He then left the service of the railroad and engaged in work for the City Railway Company, remaining in their employ for four years. At the end of that time he came to St. Nazianz and took over the management of the local paper, which he retained for eighteen months. He next engaged in the machine business in the capacity of salesman, but he withdrew from this vocation after his marriage and bought his present place of business. Mr. Kautzer conducted his establishment in such a manner that it became very popular and as he is a genial man and well liked in the community he met with deserved success. On April 1 he sold out his business and is now connected with the canning factory. For his wife and helpmate, Mr. Kautzer chose Miss Lena Stahl, a native of Eaton township and a daughter of J.C. and Sophia (Lenhart) Stahl, pioneer farming people of that vicinity. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kautzer as follows: Artie, who is thirteen years of age; Alfred, who is eleven; Harry, who is ten; Frankie, six years of age; Peter, aged four; and Edwin, who is two years old. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kautzer are communicants of the Roman Catholic church and belong to St. Gregorys parish. He is also a member of the Knights of Columbus and has served as marshal of the local order. Mr. Kautzer has never prominently participated in political affairs, and gives his support to such men and measures as he deems best qualified to serve the highest interests of the community. He is widely know in this vicinity and has a large number of friends, of whom many were the comrades of his boyhood days.
JOHN D. KAUTZER "History of Reno County, Kansas: Its People, Industries and Institutions" By Sheridan Ploughe 1917 Pages 342-344 John D. Kautzer, son of Thomas and Josephine Kautzer, was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 17, 1870. His paternal grandfather, Henry Kautzer, and wife, Helen, were both natives of Germany, who emigrated to America in an early day, bringing with them their sons, Joseph, John and Matthew. Thomas and Anton, two other sons, arrived later. The family settled in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, where the father homesteaded timber land and built a rude log cabin, and there the family lived in true pioneer style. Henry Kautzer died there in 1886, at the age of sixty-seven years. His two sons, Matthew and Thomas, died at about the same time. Thomas Kautzer came to America in 1865. He was a soldier in his native country, and a saddleman by trade. While serving in the German army he lost the little finger of his left hand by a gun shot. After coming to America he located first in Milwaukee, but later lived in Manitowoc and in Eaton in the same county. He was a Catholic in religious faith, and his children are as follow: Frank, Edward, John, Henry, Phena, Anna, Joseph, Mary and Elizabeth. John D. Kautzer received his education in the schools of Manitowoc county and after attaining mature years lived in Oshkosh three years, where he was employed by a street car company. In 1902 he joined his wife's relatives in Reno county, Kansas. He rented a farm nine years from his father-in-law: 'during these years he bought one hundred and sixty acres in Albion township, the old Copper farm, which he sold two years later. Four years ago he purchased his present farm, on which he does general farming and stock raising, making a specialty of Hereford cattle and Duroc-Jersey hogs. He has placed many improvements on his farm, and in 1915 erected a large and commodious barn, forty by fifty-two feet in dimensions, also bought a Reo car and built a garage. In 1916 he built a fine modern home with all conveniences. On January 27, 1896, John D. Kautzer was married to Rose Pargeter, who was born on August 15, 1869, at Stoughton, Wisconsin. Mrs. Kautzer's father, Thomas Pargeter, was born on February 4, 1827, at Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England. He married Ellen Durnford, who was born at Birmingham, England, January 31, 1831, and died on January 12, 1907. Thomas Pargeter was a son of John Pargeter, a native of England. His wife was Hannah Lyzard. John Pargeter was a day laborer in England, his parents having died when he was quite young. The family were adherents of the Church of England. Thomas Pargeter came to America in 1869 and located at Stoughton, Wisconsin, where he had friends. In 1884 he moved from Wisconsin to Reno county, Kansas, where he purchased a half section of railway land, paying four dollars an acre for same. While actively farming he had two sections of land under his control, rent free. His children are as follow : William George, Ethel, Fred and Harry, all born in England; Rose Ellen, Louise, Lillie May and John, born in this country. Lillie May is deceased; Jane died in England, and Thomas died in Wisconsin, at Stoughton. J. D. Kautzer and wife are the parents of five children: Lillian, born on May 12, 1898; Dwight T., March 16, 1903; Lester, October 20, 1904; Kenneth D., September 13, 1908; Harry P., April 28, 1913, all of whom are living at home with their parents. Mildred L., born on October 14, 1901, died on March 19, 1910. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Pretty Prairie, where Mr. Kautzer's daughter, Lillian, is pianist in the Sunday school. Mr. Kautzer is a Republican in politics, and takes an active interest in all matters pertaining to the welfare and betterment of his home community. He is now serving as treasurer of Roscoe township. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, while his wife belongs to the Daughters of Rebekah.
RICHARD KAWALLE (From the Manitowoc Herald, Wednesday, June 11, 1902) Love of childhood days found its consummation this afternoon in the marriage at the Lutheran church, of Miss Minnie Puhlmann, of this city, and Richard Kawalle, of Milwaukee. Rev. Machmueller was the officiating clergyman and a small party of friends were present. The groom is a former resident of this city who is employed in Milwaukee and is prosperous. Mr. and Mrs. Kawalle will reside in the Cream City.